Markeweg 12, 9468 BN Annen, +31 (0)654775767, [email protected]
Markeweg 12, 9468 BN Annen, +31 (0)654775767, [email protected]
Goldsmith Margriet has her atelier in Annen. Here you can admire, feel and fit the show models from the Margriet Jewels webshop. Margriet Jewels does not carry any stock.
Atelier: Visit only BY APPOINTMENT
When can you speak to Margriet in her atelier or by phone? – Preferably only on Monday
Would you like to make an appointment? – Please via Mail or WhatsApp
Do you want advice or do you have questions? – You can ask this via Mail – WhatsApp – FaceTime or Skype.
Mobile number: 06-54775767
Fixed telephone number: 0592-213025
Mail address: [email protected]
You are very welcome!